How to Cook Yummy Choucroute garnie

Choucroute garnie. Choucroute Garnie à l'Alsacienne (Alsatian Braised Sauerkraut With Mixed Meats and Sausages) Recipe. A fabled feast from Alsace, this slow-cooked sauerkraut is "garnished" with a generous selection of fresh and cured meats. Choucroute Garnie is a hearty Alsatian dish that's loaded with cured pork, sausages and of course Choucroute (Sauerkraut), the perfect way to warm up on a cold winter day.

Choucroute garnie Serve choucroute directly from casserole, placing potatoes on top first. Or spread sauerkraut on a platter, and top with meats and. Choucroute garnie, a traditional specialty of the Alsace region of France, reflects its German ancestry. You can cook Choucroute garnie using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Choucroute garnie

  1. Prepare 600 g of choucroute cuite.
  2. It's 4 of saucisses de Strasbourg.
  3. It's 2 of morceau de poitrine ½ sel.
  4. It's 4 of tranches de jambon.
  5. You need 8 of petites pommes de terre.
  6. You need 25 cl of vin blanc.
  7. You need 20 cl of d'eau.

Steaming platters of sauerkraut are piled high with a variety of hearty sausages, frankfurters. Make this choucroute garnie with braised pork, sauerkraut, white wine and loads of aromatics for a Choucroute Garnie. The Choucroute Garnie recipe out of our category Pork! Your Choucroute Garnie stock images are ready.

Choucroute garnie instructions

  1. Dans un grand fait tout, disposez la choucroute et la poitrine coupée en morceaux. Arrosez avec le vin blanc et l'eau - Laissez mijoter à feu très doux pendant 30 min..
  2. Pendant ce temps, faites cuire les pommes de terre à la vapeur. Ajoutez ensuite dans le fait tout, les saucisses de Strasbourg et le jambon, laissez mijoter encore 15 min..
  3. Servez avec un verre de vin blanc ou une bonne bière.
  4. Retrouvez toutes mes recettes de plats régionaux sur le blog :

Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, perpetual & worldwide rights. Découvrez la recette gourmande de la Choucroute garnie alsacienne, une tradition du Grand Est qui réchauffe les appétits et les cœurs ! Download Choucroute garnie stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock Choucroute garnie stock photos and royalty-free images. Choucroute garnie is an Alsatian recipe for preparing sauerkraut with sausages and other salted meats and charcuterie, and often potatoes.

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